Saturday, July 9, 2011

Magical Worlds

Hi people:

  Today I want to talk about the fiction, and about the books of fantasy and their worlds, like The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, etc. Since I was ten years old I like this kind of things, especially when I saw the movie of the Lord of the Rings. I really appreciate the authors of the books, because you need a lot of imagination for invent a story and more for invent new worlds where the stories happens.  

Ok, what I most like are the main characters that have to pass for a lot of fantastic adventures and they need to defeat monster and all those things. I always wanted to live an adventure like those in that kind of worlds, and travel in my horse huge distances for some crazy mission or just in search of adventures, staying in different towns and cities. There is a lot of classic kind of characters, and the one that I most liked are the wizards, with their tunics and rods, using their powerful magic in the battles. You know that in some video games, or roles games you can play in a fantasy world and do all those things that I have described, and the times that I have played it I always select a wizard for my character.

I don’t know why I feel attract by that kind of imaginary worlds, but I would love to live in one. Other thing that I always liked is the way that the people use to live on those stories, like on the middle age, without our technology.

I think that one character worthy of admiration is the Quixote, because he lived a life of adventures ass a knight just in his imagination. The book has a very, very deep story that goes more far than just the madness of the Quixote. There are a lot of reflections and learning for many, many people that has read it.

See you

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