Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Vacations (blog session 6)

  Have you think yet what you gonna do for this vacations, this short vacations? I have thought it yet. On this summer I want to travel to somewhere in Chile, and I’ve thought about the Limari Valley, that is on the 4th region, between Illapel and Elqui valleys. When I was child, I lived there, so I have really good remembers, like when I went to the river, or go deep into hills and the mountain range mountains to the smalls towns, those places were so quiet, and I think that were more “mystic” than the Elqui Valley. I have put in contact with some really old friends that live in Monte Patria (the town where I lived) in case that I would go there.
I also want to go to the south. I already have gone to the south, and I were marveled with all the view that you can see everywhere. The lakes, bushes, volcanoes, rivers and also there are really nice cities and towns, like Frutillar, Puerto Varas, Lycanray or some places in Villarica, and a lot more.
I’m starting saving some money for the travel, and the rest I want to get it on the way, and how I probably will go with some friends that play music, we want to make money playing music on the street. I will carry a camp tend, so the cost of accommodation will be cheaper than if we stayed on cabins or hotels, etc. So those are my plans, what are yours?... see you!


  1. seba, tell me if you go to the North, I maybe be in here, and I would like to know the Limari Valley.
    I hope that you can enjoy a lot your trip, to the north or tO the south, however, good luck

  2. Yes..this holidays are very short, but i am sure we will enjoy our free time a lot...
    I have never been to Limari valley, I imagine that it is very beautiful and mystic..maybe next year i' ll have the chance to go!
