I’ve found an interesting article on The Guardian, that talks about our genetic relation with the Neanderthals. It calls my attention because the teacher showed us on evolution classes this research.
The biologist, on May 2010, said that our modern human ancestor had sex with the Neanderthals in Europe and Western Asia. There are some people who descend from that interbreeding.
This information came out in a talk, when prof. Svante Pääbo and the team that created the draft sequence of the Neanderthal genome showed the evidence of the comparison between the modern human genome and Neanderthal genome. They found out that the human genome have some Neanderthal’s genome segments.
Certainly was a reaction on the people, who started to send mails to Pääbo expressing that they were sure they (or some close person of them) were more Neanderthal than the investigation showed. In fact, some 45 men said they were fully or partially Neanderthals and the same with two women. On the letters, there were more cases of suspect of men (that they probably have something of Neanderthal) than women. In fact some women offer their husbands for some future investigations.
Pääbo, said that those appreciations where far from have some truth on them. He pointed that probably the reason of that people reaction and thinking were our stereotype of our cousins. He also said that "It says something about how we view Neanderthals" making mention of what people says about the topic.
I don't see anything wrong to be a neanderthal. In fact, they're ase humans as us (both homo sapiens) But it is interesting to view that way of thinking in the people.. is.. curious.. XD